Friday, March 03, 2006

G.W. is a genius

While many people think our President is a bumbling idiot, I happen to think that the guy is brilliant. He surrounds himself with people that appear smarter than him and they seem to end up taking most of the blame for things when they go wrong. Then he accepts responsibility for the mistakes but at that point it makes it seem like that is what he is supposed to do, as a leader, and it takes some of the heat off of him.

To note: I don't really like G.W, I don’t think he is doing what is best for the country (with the drastically increasing national debt how can anybody?). I do not consider myself a Republican or a Democrat, but I tend to lean more towards the Democratic views. I am not really a fan of either party as the main difference I see between them is that one cuts taxes while the other increases taxes but they both spend it. It almost makes me want to join the Green Party.


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